Besler Family

Besler Family
My Whole World <3

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Our New Addition :)

           So if you haven't seen or heard the news the Besler family is getting a little bit bigger! :) March 27, 2013 (probably more March 20, 2013 due to the scheduled C-section) we will be a family of 4! I know this came as a HUGE shock to a lot of people since Peyton is just 1 and trust me it came to a shock to us too, but we are so excited and a little nervous. I'm not going to lie I did cry when I found out, but after a few days I realized how lucky we are! I mean where I work at the hospital I see these women come in who are trying so hard to get pregnant and would be grateful to have one and I'm lucky enough to have a very happy healthy 1 year old and a new little bundle of joy on the way. So it's really hard not to feel really blessed and lucky even if it's a little scary.
           Also if you didn't hear we get a GIRL!! Which I'm super excited about! I'm really happy to get think pink and buy ribbons, plus I think Peyton might handle sharing the spot light with a girl better than a boy but we shall see. Hank is quite excited for his little princess who I have this gut feeling is going to be quite the daddy's girl.
           So that's our very exciting news! We are all doing great (now that I'm past the morning sickness part.) Hank is really liking his new job. The hours are a little crazy but he enjoys it. I'm still enjoying working at the hospital. It is crazy some days and you see the good in the bad in the world but most days it makes you really grateful for what you do have. Of course Peyton is doing wonderful! He is walking, running, talking, getting into everything he should, just being the regular 1 year old.  

Our Mr. Frederickson :)

Peyton sharing our very exciting news :)

My little man and I :)

Our first family football game! Cheering on daddy's old high school. Go Oly!


Wednesday, July 4, 2012

To catch you all up :)

             Hello Everyone! So I haven't blogged since our horrible car accident and so much has happened!! So this post will be a little long but it will be a good catch up :)
            So we bought a new car since ours died and went to heaven. Poor gracie. Our new car doesn't have my favorite paint job but it is a nice car and does it's job so I cant complain too much ;)
          We also moved! After Hank and I got married since I was 6 months pregnant we lived with my parents in Stansbury Park, and I can't thank them enough for letting us do that! But after a while we were ready to be on our own. So we moved to Cottonwood Heights :) which we love!! It's closer to our jobs and it feels so nice to be independent!
            Both of us actually switched jobs too! I still work for ARUP but now I work at the University Hospital and I'm part time so I can spend all day with Peyton! Working 6 days a week isn't really my favorite but spending almost all day with Peyton is amazing! Hank just got a new job..I can't remember the name but It's very similar to Artisian where he use to work. The hours are really funky but it's nice.
          I'm sure you all are wondering about our sweet baby boy! Well Peyton has changed the most! He's 9 months old now and 21.5 lbs!! He crawls and walks around the furniture and has 7 teeth! He is so happy and he likes having mama home all day! He's just a big huge blessing in our life and I'm so grateful to have him!
         So i saved the best for last. On June 30, 2012 just 5 days after our 1 year mark, we got sealed! Now this is extra special for me because I honestly never thought I would go to the temple. Never in a million years! When Hank and I were dating and we would have those late night long talks like you always do I always told him I never thought I would get married in the temple! It was a long hard road, but we worked so hard and we actually did it in the time frame we wanted! I'm so happy!! I've worked really really hard for the past 18 months and it feels so good to have it pay off! I love my boys with everything in me and to know that I get to spend time and all eternity with them and all my other kids is just wonderful!:)
         So as you can see everything is wonderful with the besler clan :) So i will post some pictures and get better about blogging :)
My sweet 9 month old!

                    our kiss out of the temple!

Mr. and Mrs. Hank Besler... forever now :)

the face i make often at him!

Happy little guy!

an eternal family :) :)

Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Accident

So a lot of you don't know but Hank, Peyton, and I were in a car accident on the 15th. We are all okay but our car was totaled. What happened is we were driving home and we were in the neighborhoods of Stansbury and going around like a blind corner and someone had parked a trailer there which we hit. The trailer had no lights, no reflectors, not anything to be able to see it till you actually hit it. Luckily we didn't roll because the way we hit it we should have. My wonderful husband really saved us that night and we were truly blessed that none of us were hurt. I wasn't wearing my seat belt which wasn't very smart and I'm soo blessed and so lucky I didn't go through the windshield. 
I'm the kind of person who has struggled with religion and has always had a hard time going to church and reading scriptures and etc. But I realized we are soo blessed that we all came out of this safe. After the car landed I jumped to the back seat and Peyton was still asleep. So I'm just soo happy and we are so blessed. I'm just soo grateful for my husband who is a return missionary who always brings the spirit to our house. He's so patient with  me and works with me when I struggle. So I'm so blessed. I'm just so grateful for the wonderful husband and son I have :) and soo grateful for all the wonderful blessing we received :)
I'm really sad our car is totaled. We have so many good memories in that car. I mean it was my parents and we went to Wyoming to see brettany and all the fun trips and it was the car I learned how to drive in. The car we brought Peyton home in. I will miss that car. As my mommy would say Gracie was a good car :) RIP Gracie :)

 We didn't take any pictures that night we were to upset but here;s what the car looked like after the accident.
R.I.P. Gracie!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

6 wonderful months :]

So on Christmas day was not only special because it was our first Christmas as a family but it was also the 6 month mark in mine and hanks marriage :] So i thought it would be fun to share some funny, special and all around embarrassing moments of our wonderful 6 months so far!
So one of my ultra favorite moments is the day we tried to cook dinner for my parents who were coming back from a bike ride and we tried to grill asparagus wrapped in bacon which is amazing but my sweet husband learned the hard way that if the heat is up to high you can lose and eyebrow and some hair ;] we
We went to the demolition derby to celebrate the anniversary of our 1 year of our first date :]
Before peyton i use to work nights and we saw each other for like an hour a day so on the weekends we would get to enjoy the little things of marriage that i think a lot of people take for granted like sleeping next to each other, eating dinner together, just getting to spend some actual time together.
We climbed black rock while i was pregnant ;]
We ran out of gas on the side of the i-80
Our car broke down in the walmart parking lot and we had to juggle one car for like 4 days (which can be complicated with the schedules we had).
We went to the hospital 3 times in two days and still came out with no baby.
When i woke up and thought i had peed my pants so ran i like crazy out of our room so hank didn't know but it was just my water breaking lol
After 17 hours of a labor and C-section we had thee most amazing blessing any couple could have our Peej :]
We learned with little boys how to change that diaper fast.
One of the best things we've learned in our relationship is to never ever take the little things for granted. We spent 3 months of our marriage with no time together and emailing till 2 am and running on no sleep and just doing anything we could do to talk to each other for just a little bit longer.
I'm sooo happy that 6 months ago i married thee best person in the world and my best friend and i cant wait for all the more memories we get to make together. I'm just so lucky :] and I'm sooo grateful to be Mrs. Besler<3

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Our First Christmas!

Okay, so I'm not a huge Christmas fan, I'm what people call a scrooge (spelled wrong oh well). Well my wonderful husband on the other hand LOVES Christmas and the decorating and the whole hoopla. So I wasn't excited about the tree and what not but then we got to buy presents for Peyton and I realized Christmas with a family is a lot different then Christmas buy yourself when your 20. So I've actually had  a lot of fun this year. We put up our tree in our room and put Christmas lights all around the room, which also work wonderful for night lights for the little one!
So since it's Peyton's first Christmas we decided to make ornaments with Peyton's feet on them for us and the parents and some siblings! Which I thought would be really complicated since your dipping a 2 month old foot in some glue and trying to get it just perfect on an ornaments but actually my son was wonderful and just sat there great so yay! I'm just excited I can really start to enjoy Christmas with my family!
Our tree with no ornaments 
Peyton & I hanging up ornaments 
Hank and Peyton hanging up ornaments 
Our all finished tree :]

The ornaments we made :]

Now the only challenging thing is to decide what to get my husband for Christmas... well I still have two weeks..

Monday, December 5, 2011

The Beginning

So to start everyone off just to get a little info into my life. I'm 21 years old, I'm a tomboy, I have bi polar disorder, I love football and I'm a huge dork. Also I'm married to my best friend we got married on June 25,2011. Then on September 26,2011 our wonderful 9lb 1 oz 21 3/4 inches long boy came and made us a little family! Yes if you didn't already figure it out I was 6 months pregnant when I got married. Just to clarify no I did NOT get married because I was prengnat. We got in engaged in January and planned to get married in August. But as life had it wedding plans were put on hold when we found out I was pregnant. So we ended up deciding to get married in june and we planned it in just 17 days. With everything that was happening with Peyton we wanted him to come into this world with a mom and a dad not a mom and her boyfriend.
So if you can't tell this last year has been crazy. Its been a roller coaster but the best one i've ever been on. I mean even though Peyton was a surprise and I hate surprises he is thee biggest blessing in the world. I cannot frown when i'm around him. I am just soo blessed  all together. My husband is one of a kind, he treats me sooo wonderful and he understands me and he loves me for me which I never thought I would find. I'm just lucky!
So now that i've been married for almost 6 months and have this wonderful 10 week old I'm just learning how to adjust into being a mom and a wife. Which honestly are the two greatest jobs I could ever ask for :]